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Social infrastructure

Ealing Care


Care homes to support varying degrees of care for the elderly.

Client: London Borough of Ealing
Kajima's role: Asset Manager
Status: Operational
Key stats: 15,500 sqm

Working to support elderly people with later life living, four registered homes were delivered in the London Borough of Ealing to support various condition such as dementia and end of life care. The space was designed to create an environment of community living, social interaction and engagement without the feel of initialisation.

Kajima designed and developed Chestnut Lodge, Sycamore Lodge, Elm Lodge and Martin House provide 291-bedroom units, all with en-suite bathrooms and a variety of communal and recreational facilities, such as lounge, dining and kitchen areas and activity rooms. In partnership with Viridian Housing, care services are provided 24 hours, whilst also ensuring fresh food is prepared on site at each location to promote healthy eating, and catering to a mixture of health, cultural and religious needs.

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