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On behalf of Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service, Kajima oversee the operation of 4 fire stations within Cheltenham and Gloucester, delivering emergency services to over half a million local residents.
The services provided include the provision and management of all cleaning, general and grounds maintenance, as well as overseeing the facilities’ energy consumption and monitoring.
During the global pandemic Kajima’s asset management team assisted two of the facilities to convert their open areas into temporary vaccination centres. During the first phase of the vaccination roll-out, Gloucester North fire station delivered vaccines to over 500 key workers per day. Both sites continued to carry out day-to-day operations and provided effective emergency responses to residents throughout the vaccine roll-out.
The site, whose facilities also include a community ‘SkillZone’ comprising a range of everyday, hazardous scenarios such as; a railway crossing, shop, road, moving car and double decker bus, is a key resource for educating local school children about hazard awareness with almost 45,000 children benefitting from this facility thus far.